
Cropit scale quality
Cropit scale quality


You might prefer to directly modify the official distribution.


I develop code in a separate directory to the "as downloaded" official distribution. I have tested the C code only on a Q32 HDRI build, and tests are limited to commands shown on this page. My programming style (especially the layout of code) is different to that of the ImageMagick developers. I haven't checked my code for memory leakage. I know nothing about parallel processing. I won't splatter my code with #ifdefs to comply with different standards/OSs/quirks.ĬAUTION: I am not a great C programmer, nor am I expert at using MagickCore or MagickWand, the internals of ImageMagick. If I don't comply with some standard or other, and simple changes will make it comply, I might make those changes. My code may not compile on non-GNU systems, though I expect that any toolset that can build IM will also build my modules. This is quite well commented, and there seems to be no other significant documentation. My primary reference for the MagickCore interface is the source code itself. Hence it interfaces at the low-level MagickCore rather than the higher-level MagickWand. The -process mechanism works with image lists, not with magick wands. My work doesn't need CMYK, so I haven't bothered with it. In particular, I ignore the K channel of CMYK(A). If channels represent CMY, CMYK, Lab etc then results will be weird. Modules on this page are aimed at images that have channels representing red, green, blue and possibly alpha.


Any commands not prefixed with a dollar are for Windows cmd. On this page, I prefix bash commands with a dollar, "$".


This page is based on a download of ImageMagick on 30 July 2014, v6.8.9-6, with Cygwin bash, on a 64-bit Windows 8.1 computer. While experimenting, I prefer not to do this. It is probably a good idea to put ~/iminst32f/bin (or, rather, the Windows equivalent) on the system search path. You will need to adjust directory names for your own system. On this computer, my username is Alan, and I have installed my own Q32 HDRI compilation of ImageMagick to the Cygwin directory ~/iminst32f. Those three pages are building blocks for this one. See myĬompiling the MagickWand demonstration programs page. IM demonstration programs can be built.IM source has been downloaded, built, and installed.I expect the C code is not dependent on the platform. The computer is running Windows, with Cygwin.Compared with the equivalent Windows BAT script, taking about 20 seconds, we improve the speed by a factor of 6000. For example, making a histogram image from a 20 megapixel input takes about 0.003 seconds. This can accelerate operations that would otherwise require a looping script. ImageMagick Architecture: Custom Image Filters. (This page used to be titled "Customising ImageMagick".) Practical module: plot red versus green.Practical module: putting OOG values back in the box.Practical module: what rotation and scale.Practical module: average concentric rings.

cropit scale quality

  • Practical module: set mean and standard deviation.
  • Practical module: scale, rotate and translate in 3d.
  • Practical module: aggressive image search.
  • Practical module: multi-scale image search.
  • Practical module: alpha-weighted RMSE search.
  • Practical module: find darkest path between two points.
  • Practical module: find darkest meandering path.
  • Practical module: invert displacement map.
  • Practical module: mkhisto, make histogram.
  • Practical module: mkgauss, make Gaussian clut.
  • Practical module: interppix, interpolate pixel values.
  • Practical module: img2knl, from an image, write a kernel string.
  • Practical module: fill holes with priority.
  • We can customise ImageMagick to add new functionality, for example with -process using MagickCore, like plug-ins. Snibgo's ImageMagick pages Process modules

    Cropit scale quality